Crossway Massage Therapy
Keeping the community healthy by promoting wellness through massage!

Covid-19 Procedures and FAQ's


Thank you for choosing Crossway Massage Therapy and I look forward to working with you soon!  "Please read all information provided to you below regarding protocols for your massage session.  A mask will be required by everyone coming to and entering a treatment session at Crossway Massage Therapy. 

These measures are in effort to keep you, the client and public safe. 

My goal is to keep everyone safe and to help you feel completely comfortable. I will continue to be very cautious to reduce the risk of any type of exposure.   

Steps I am taking:

  • A GermGuardian air purifying system with UV light will be in place.
  • Deep clean to all touched and used surfaces such as door knobs, handles, doors, railing, and restroom with be cleaned with hospital grade germicide disinfectant after each session.
  • Soft cloth couch fabric will be sprayed with fabric sanitizer.
  • Touchless hand sanitizers, soap dispenser and disposable paper towels will be available. 
  • As always, clean linens are used for each person. Equipment such as massage table, stool and bolster will have extra barrier of protection and will be changed and cleaned after each session. 
  • Clothing hook and shoe bin will be used as to not contaminate soft cloth furniture. 
  • Lidded trashcans with foot pedal will keep facial tissues and other waste products from remaining exposed to the treatment room air.
  • I will be wearing a mask with added face shield and protective apron during each session. My hands and arms are thoroughly washed after each treatment..
  • All self serve items and treat jars will be removed as to prevent any cross contamination.  Bottled water will be continued to be offered at the end of your session but, if you prefer to wait to hydrate until you get home just remember to drink plenty of fluids!.
  • There will be contact lite checkout.
  • No Face work until further notice.

Steps you need to take:

  • Prior to your appointment you will receive an email with attached forms for: Health History/Prescriptions, Over the Counter Medication & Supplement/Covid-19 Health Information & Informed Consent and Cancellation Policy.
  • When you arrive please wait in your car and text me at 516-263-9971 to let me know you have arrived for your appointment. I want to make sure I have sufficient time to properly disinfect everything before your arrival.   
  • Masks are required for everyone and I ask that you wear your own face covering when entering my studio. Masks are required the entire time you are here. If you forget your mask or need a clean mask extra masks will be available. 

Upon Arrival-How are you feeling?:

I will be asking a series of questions when you book and arrive for your appointment.

  • Have you had a fever in the last 24 hours of 100⁰ or above?
  • Do you now, or have you recently had any respiratory or flu-like symptoms, sore throat or shortness of breath?
  • If you are not feeling well I ask that you let me know right away and I will cancel your appointment without penalty. Since I am a home based business an added precaution of screening temperatures of everyone entering the treatment area will be necessary. Those with a temperature of 100⁰ or higher you will not be allowed access and asked to reschedule.

If you are immunocompromised (or live with someone who is) but would still like a massage session, PLEASE let me know.  I can reserve the first session of the day for you and understand your needs for a cleaner environment. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I get a massage if I just had a vaccine?

  • It is highly recommended that you wait 3 days after your injection as to avoid any negative reaction (for each one- the first and second dose) . Most people will have some local arm pain and swelling, but some people will have more, flu-like symptoms. For the latter, delay massage until you are back to full speed. Allowing your body time for it to carry out an immune response and recover is sound advice! I want my clients to be feeling 100% and not ill when getting a massage not only for your safety but, mine as well. 

Do I need to wear a mask for a massage?

  • Currently, masks are required for everyone entering Crossway Massage Therapy's treatment room. This is an added protection for each other and other clients entering the treatment room with compromised immune systems and/or who have special home circumstances.

What should you do if you are unvaccinated and come in contact with someone who has been exposed to Covid-19 and or has a positive diagnosis?

  • Please notify me as soon as possible. If you have an upcoming appointment, you will need to cancel your session and wait to reschedule until after completing your recommended 10-day quarantine and receive a negative Covid-19 test.

 What should you do if you are vaccinated and come in contact with someone who has been exposed to Covid-19 and or has a positive diagnosis?

  • You do not have to quarantine if you are fully vaccinated AND you have not developed any symptoms since your exposure to Covid-19. 
  • Please let me know if you have been exposed and start to develop symptoms of Covid-19, we can reschedule your appointment until after you complete your recommended self isolation.

When can I receive a massage after having Covid-19?

  • What does your medical doctor say about your risk of communicability?
  • If you have been cleared to return to work or to end self-isolation, then the risk of communicability should be over. I will require written medical clearance from your physician for any type of bodywork after a positive Covid-19 diagnosis.   If not, we need to delay massage therapy, for your benefit and ours.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.  I am staying informed on any recommendations from the North Carolina State Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy, the Associated Bodywork & Massage Processionals, the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards and Gov. Roy Cooper executive order#147(Requiring LMBT's and clients to wear face coverings when social distancing is not possible).

© Copyright 2025  Crossway Massage Therapy.  All rights reserved.